12:07 AM

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To answer the following:

1. What does 'love' mean to you?

At this moment, it means a knife caught in my heart that no matter what I do I can't drag out.

But on a broad note...

love is what completes me. That's all I'd say.

2. What does "marriage" mean to you?

It's a life-time commitment. It's a dream that will come to reality, one day… inshallah.

3. Do you believe in 'love at first sight'?

I wouldn't call it love. It's a physical attraction. You can't love someone just by a fleeting look. It's mostly incorrect to suppose so… because love doesn't come out of sudden. Love is a combination of feelings attached together which grow through time. Hmm, just ask yourself, what approach would one have at first sight?

Exactly! Attraction; no more no less.

4. How many children would you like?

As much as God would bless me to have.

5. If given the opportunity, what is that one song you would sing for me on wedding day?

What dreams are made of...

6. What is your favorite holiday destination?


7. What are three qualities you would look for in a woman?

After 'Religious' come Simple, Patient, and Compassionate. Beauty is the last thing I look for.

8. What are the three qualities and three bad habits that you have?

Qualities: you tell me what they are...

Bad habits:

  1. I don't get out from my cave frequently
  2. I shy
  3. I have major problems with sleeping

9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

I don't know where the course of my future leads. For every day there is something new that will either shove me up a bit or put me down a byte... Honestly I can't see myself in tomorrow, how do you expect me to tell what's after 10 years...

Only God knows...


Samyah said...

Why would you look for beauty last Eni?

Rosby said...

I always look for beauty last, something which my friends fine stupid.

Well, THEY'RE stupid.

How did you find my blog. Comment on it!

Samyah said...

You guys can't be serious.. since when do guys look for beauty last?

Enigma said...


Appearence can never be my first priority to look for in the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. Yes, beauty is something I cherish and would love my life partner to have. But it's not something I'm totally concerned with...

I realize that this is probably the first time you read that a man would say this. But I sincerly mean it! Our prophet Mohammed, may peace be upon him said:

تنكح المرأة لأربع: لمالها، ولحسبها، ولجمالها، ولدينها فاظفر بذات الدين تربت يداك.

رواه البخارى ومسلم

I'm not concerned with how much money she has nor how beautiful she can be as long as she's religious, has a good heart and mind.. :) By the way, every girl can turn out very beautiful (especially with the modern make up and fashion).. So, what makes girls(or people in general) different is the hidden beauty inside of them, which is what I basically look for.

Hope that explains it. :)


Thanks 4 stepping by. I knew about your blog because you dropped a comment here earlier. :) I'll pay you a visit right after I post this comment.

Samyah said...

You are right this is one of the first times I hear that E.. I'm sure you know how most guys look at girls nowdays.

I agree with everything you said, and I think its wonderful you follow the Prophet's words so well :)

Ancient Poem said...

You are blessed with the rare way of thinking you possess.

I really admire it:)

Enigma said...

Thank you Sam. Glad to know you agree with me :)

Ancient, welcome to my humble blog; honored to read you here.

e-soz said...

Hey good answers :D
Although i doubt that u look for beauty last. Maybe not first, but Definitely not last :P

oh and by the way, what's tagging? >_>

Enigma said...

hi esoz,,

tagging basically means that we want you to answer the same questions. I was like you actually.. Didn't know what this tagging is all about :)