9:26 PM

Targets of Sentiments & Resolutions

Hey again people,

Before I started this blog, I put pen to paper where I want to aim it to. Honestly, I have more than a few objectives that, with any luck, I would like to achieve here. Namely:

1) Religion is a source of enlightenment. Thus, I promise to attach some Islamic point of views on every occasion I see convenient/needed. Hopefully, that will help out some who don't know a lot about our beliefs.

2) I'm dreadfully interested in philosophy. With that in mind, be informed that many of the posts you'll see in the future will deal with my being so theoretical on certain aspects and events.

3) Out-of-sight 'talents' & 'obsessions' will be revealed here in the future inshallah...

4) There will be some personal posts about me every once in a while. Through them, mind will speak at times; heart will speak at others... (And sometimes both.) That's why I'm referring to this blog as Sentiments & Resolutions.

5) An approach to my country and the people existing in it shall be considered as well. Come on that's not dull! In this area, I'll try to discuss some major points that we , as Qataries, are mostly worried about... Sometimes one feels like shouting out loud to have his say heard. So, that'll be my place. (I'll be shouting & typing @ the same time. )


Alright, so this is basically my on-the-way circle. I hope you'll find it enjoyable and valuable to read... Occasionally, other stuff might jump off as well. You never know. =)

Anyhow, time for take off.

Nice day everyone,



Hopeless Poet said...

Nice layout you have here :D
Waiting for your posts :D

True Faith said...

Good Luck :)

Papillona ® said...

hmm.. we could make 'good friends'

Faith said...

That sounds interesting..
Good luck :)

e-soz said...

Hey congrats bro :D
sorry for being late though. I like the "objectives" thing, totally opposite to my blog ;P
great layout too :)

Enigma said...

thanx. may God bless u all =)

TripleTee said...

wow Niggy... I just love ur blog style!!! you got talent... lol :)

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