2:38 PM

Somewhere I Used to Belong...

I'm not talking about where I belong in 'real' life… I'm talking about the 'online' one.

On my online occurrence, I've been into many forums, discussion websites, and many others to reckon. I had fun on some, while I learnt some perspectives of life on others. But there was this one forum that I really felt I belong to; to the extent that I treasured it as my second family.

Every single member in that forum meant something to me - I'm not kidding! Some of them were more than just online friends. They were like brothers and sisters. I felt that every one cared for each other. Every one was very polite... Every one was just being him/herself... and so I couldn't help but like the quality at hand. And indeed, it was such a great experience.

Sadly though, it's temporarily closed... for 3 or maybe 4 months now.

I really miss it. I miss all the people I knew there. I even had a phase for a time where it was inflexible to live the day without hearing about them. Right now I don't go to other forums; often for the reason that it reminds me of the one I used to be in...

Is this some sort of addiction? Maybe, but if it is, then I'm convinced it's the right kind of it. I just supplicate that the admin of the forum hear my voice somehow and kindly consider bringing it back... Even though I am not sure will I see my fellows there again, at least I will be seated here with hopes to read anything about them.

I pray they're alright and living a happy life...

A question to all the people who post in forums, what would you do if you knew one day that the forum you daily visit is shut down?

I leave you to comment... :(


NiGhTFaCe said...

I do check this online community, & it might make me feel empty if it disppeared. But, I will get used to it, it might take some time.

Snooky said...

Hey Enie.. Man when i first heard that it shut down.. I stopped to think for a while.. Which is something i dont usually do.. Man i really miss that place and i swear that i really did learn a lot from it.. And the best part was (Like u said) all members used to be them selves.. Especially me i guess.. hehe.. Anywayz just hope all the members and the extremly kind admin are doin ok..

Unknown said...

And I was wondering what happened to it.

I think i would get really depressed if the sabla went down cause i've been on it for over 3 years now on a daily basis , and it bascially became part of my life.

Hope vanilla stars gets back online soon.. the members there were nice. :)

Enigma said...


thanks. I have the emails of some, not most. disappointing ain it? don't blame me tho.. I couldn't go and ask everyone about their emails back then hehe...


You always surprise me dude. I could never figured you know this forum.. wow..

thanx 4 ur comment!


see! Ahh.. al7amdllah am not alone on this. I hope for all of 'em the same thing...

.. You can't hook the snook buddy.


Thanks for noting that. English sabla is a nice place too.. :)

Enigma said...

A very good point Blessed.

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