12:04 AM

Collection of Memories

The unspoken voices have returned,
resuming the hidden auras of life.
Whispering to your ears..
Approaching you..
Awakening you... from the long sleep
From your solitude..
From the unreachable dreams.

To God only I put my faith
The sour in my heart...

The giant wounds that I can not take..

The love that I shall still forsake


I am withen your hands..
Please heal me....
Please forgive me.....
Please give me the strength to fight...
please guide me to the light..


"I wish I could erase all the memories and start a new white page."



Boys Lie said...

wow. to Darth Enigma.

Really nice quote there

iamnasra said...

been awhile I hope you are well - how did the wedding go

i*maginate said...

Beautiful! Wonderful thought for the day...I'm linking this poem to my blog "Welcome to my World" - 6th March post.

Z said...

mashalla very expressive..
keep it coming =)

Absology said...


Though I think if I were to erase all the memories I wouldn't know better than to make the same mistakes!

Anonymous said...

Hey there man, welcome back. If you're back that is >.>; (j/k)

Maybe memories don't fade cause they mean something to you. I say the same, as for all the memories that hurt and all, but this is life :P

If you didn't have memories, you won't go on. Starting a new page is nothing, since you were there before. You now know your mistakes, know who are your friends, and know how life treats us, so keeping it up is the thing.

Hope you're doing well. You're a bastard btw, but also my bro ^-^

Enigma said...

I was refering to my bad experiences that keeps coming back to me when I said "memories."

I did learn some lessons; true. However it does put me in strange mood when I go back to them.

That's why I wish I could just stop my mind from going back and just try to make it look ahead.. :)

Nasra, only 2 weeks left for wedding.

Aamer, I hate you ok. Pff thanks though. x_x

Oblivious said...

I sometimes, feel the same way...it would have been cool...

Liked it.

TripleTee said...

oolala... impressive enigma.
conveys the message

Phat'Hi said...

Nice Piece =)..

Hmmm Memories... and What to be said about memories.. memories are a part of making you, ur structure.. and no if you say its always bad then you are wrong.. its true bro .. everything no.. most of this everything might go Against
your desires, but this is the chemistry of life... and this is the way of realizing how cold this world can get.. and how strong we should be..

keep it up bro,
Urs, Phat (P.b.a) =)

Kazeh said...

"To God only I put my faith
The sour in my heart...
The giant wounds that I can not take..
The love that I shall still forsake"

That was really touching...

Do not stop writing poems, you're good at it!