11:30 AM

Everything is Weird and No Place is Left to Go

coolcorpse: say how old are you?
enigma: Old enough.
coolcorpse: say what's your gender? m or f?
coolcorpse: say sorry.
coolcorpse: I don't mean to keep typing "say."
enigma: What do you think my gender is? :S
coolcorpse: Too much nudding.
enigma: '
coolcorpse: I mean mudding.
coolcorpse: I'm gonna check the dial-in conection
coolcorpse: say brb

He went and never came back...

THAT, ladies and gentlemen, was a part of a talk I had with someone while playing Yahoo Chess. As you may note, the guy seems to have gotten into the pattern where he has to type "say" before saying something and "look" before he can see. Next thing he'll inarticulate "emote" every time he takes breath. Emote inhale, Emote exhale!

I'm starting to get uninterested of the Net. The question is, where do I go now? Where's the next wave? The thing is, I don't think I can push this thing much further. There's nothing else to do; just much, much, much more of what I've already done. Anywhere I go now is a second trip.

It's weird. The Net used to seem so big. No limits. Everlasting variety. It doesn't seem that gigantic to me now. I log in and think, where to? Back to Forums? Back to blogging? Back to chatting? Messenger? Anyone? ... etc.

Been there, done that. It's not adequate anymore. It's overwhelming. It's boring. I can feel it topping out. And it's sad, because I love the Net! I loved being able to drift away into chatting rooms and talk to people from different regions. I loved the spirit of it, and how much people value liberty on the net. I loved the speed, the lightness.

Or maybe, that's the part I hate. I can switch this whole world off from my life. I can walk away from it and come back the next night, or the night after that, or a week or a month or a year later and find pretty much the same thing. I don't know how content I am in this casual space anymore.

No consequences.

There is something sparkling and brilliant about the Net. There is also something lonesome and horrible about it. I don't regret stumbling in, but thank God I can opt out.

The sun will be up in a little less than one hour or so, which is:

a) a few more thousand posts yet to read from my fellow bloggers.
b) two dozen Forums.
c) a couple of mp3 websites to check, or
d) doing the alfajer prayer.

At this point, "d" seems like the most thrilling option...



NiGhTFaCe said...

Why being so negative?!! The internet is virtual world, you create your own of spreading ideas & recieving some.

indigo wine said...

absolutely agree with the top comment, sumtimes the Net can be a cozy spot for you being alone while in the same time accompanied by the same situation person all over the world..

btw, what is alfajer prayer?

Enigma said...

hi guys sorry to reply late,


I'm not being negative bro, I just posted how I felt toward the net. The point of the post I guess was to refer to the fact that the net can be a lonely or 'weird' place sometimes. That's all :)

Indigo wine;

Really glad you stepped by sister. As butterfly kindly explained, alfajer is the dawn prayer we muslims do everyday. :)


I'm pleased to see you on my humble blog. And what made me more happier is knowing that I'm not the only one who gets occubied by this feeling at times. Oh, and thanks for kindly taking care of answering indigo's question. =)


I'm really trying that.. thank you for the comment. :)


Thank you. I read your 'explanation' sir, which took me almost half day to finish reading. But the thing is, I'm a muslim and would like to keep it this way. No offence is really intended. Thank you again. :)


Hi glad to read you again here :D You're right mate. I needed sometime off. And I'm really trying to make that change in me and break the routine. Thanks for caring to comment. :)


well, obviously :P by the way, I notice other people having the same 'say' problem but I never found someone using it as extensive as that guy did. Really frustrating.. hehe.

jsm said...

hi. keep blogging.

you'll strike gold me thinks.

Enigma said...

thaaank you! really. Your encouragement means a lot.

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