7:47 AM


It's been sometime I haven't opened my Cinema4d.

The good news is, today I did! Haven't made any serious modelling though. Just an abstract which strangely, I have somehow related myself to it in the end. It's basically a simple piece. Called it Vibrant.Sense. Each color I used here symbolize something to me, but.. well, I won't bore you with such details. :P

I leave you to view it (click to enlarge);

Enjoy! Your opinions are always appreciated peeps. So please be generous and give me your feedback. Thanks in advance. =)



Najah said...

Very interesting piece E. I so loved how sharp the lines are and the focal point to me. I see the head in the middle as the focal point, I don’t know what it represents but it is very interesting… You should never say you will bore us with details, write them and whose not interested shall not read, I would really like to know what those colors represented and why you specifically chose them.

Unknown said...

The colors are lovely ( I too would like to know what they represent. :p ) and the abstract is interesting but would have been a lil nicer if it was a little smoother.. but over all nicely placed and composed. I liked the layout as well..especially the top part...kinda looks like a film or something.

keep it up. :)

NiGhTFaCe said...

I posted something here last night! I dont know why its showing up!!

Anyways, I liked the colors, & the shape that abstract is taking! Expressing something!!

Enigma said...

Thanks so much Najah, Nightface, and Nabhan (all of you start with an N, such a coincidence)!

Really appreciate your nice comments. :)

I've written a very short poem for this as well... Didn't want to put it along with my post thinking there was no need for it (Plus, I felt the poem was kind of stupid lol). But since you guys asked, I say hack with it, I'm putting it up ^.^ I hope this would be a good hint of why I choose these colors;


I convey a subliminal message
A modest portrait of fear

Royal purple is me; the other for my queen
Blue is amongst us, and there is also green.

Small things require strong vision
They are not an omission;
the shadow,

Five colors…

Five feelings…

This is the riddle…

My vibrant sense


Alright there are only five colors I focused on. And accordingly, I'm internally blind. :s Because I force myself to see only these five while the world of color is infinite. Can't give you anymore hints; try to dig more on the canvas, if you're interested, and don't forget to tell me your findings. ^^ *giggles*

Unknown said...

ooooo.. the poem is so good.. it actually gave me goosebumps..especially cause it's related to the artwork there. well done.. well done. *claps*

NiGhTFaCe said...

I like that!

Snooky said...

Ha!! A Masterpiece.

Najah said...

amazing, i found the piece greater with the poem, if you posted the poem beneath the picture it would've gave it a stroooooonger touch.
u thought it is stupid :S that is a shame, its amazing!

Enigma said...

Thank you guys! and especially Najah. I'm so glad you liked this humble work :)

Samyah said...

That's really neat Enigma! Masha allah you are very creative, would love to see more of your work.

Enigma said...

Thank you Sam =)

Anonymous said...

Very nice site! »