8:09 PM

Me and Money

Hi fellas,

Nabhan got me tagged to answer the following questions:

1. How much money is in your wallet right now?
2.How much money would you need in the bank to feel secure? Rich?
3.If someone gave you 100 rials, no strings attached, what would you do with it?
4.If someone gave you 1 Million rials, no strings attached, what would you do with it?
5.How much does something have to cost before it starts counting as "real" money, as a purchase to be considered and evaluated, but below which you'll buy without really thinking about it?


There you go pal:

1. That would be 468 QR exact.
2. Money that would ensure me a living for one year would someway make me feel a bit safe. And for the second component of the question, I'd say it's not with how much funds I have that would make me feels rich.
3. I'll turn it back asking that person to please grant it to someone who needs it more than I do.
4. It would depend on who's going to offer me all that money.
5. I two say that it depends on the thing I'm buying. I don't squander my money on things that are over-priced yet not worthwhile. If I really have to pick a number though, I'd say 50QR.


Anyway, as we're on the subject of money, I'd like to formally declare that I hate it so much. Money is all what most people think about receiving in this life. I find this a pretty lame and retarded goal. I see eye to eye with the one who said that money can't buy happiness; for the reason that... I experienced it myself. If you're unhappy from within, riches won't do you anything much to help!

The next reason for me to hate it is because people are treating each other differently because of it. You'll see assorted categories in our society that are considered distinct from each other mainly because of how much wealth they have. The rich is always esteemed, while no one gives a crap about the poor. Excuse me for the expression but why is this happening? We are all humans, sons and daughters of Adam & Eve. Brothers and sisters. Why categorizing? Why some people are VIP and some are not? Can't we all be just treated equally? Or is this just so far from reality?

Third reason is greed. People get really greedy sometimes that they'd kill other people to take their money from them. This is actually happening in our society! It's not something I watched on TV. In addition, think about the current wars from a universal broad. The main reason I believe for all of these wars is the greed flaming out from country leaders.

Nothing more, nothing less;

Just money, wealth, and great amount of funds in their accounts.

That's all they want!

For God's sake money is just a stupid paper!
Why fighting for it? Life demands?
Hack with them if they're going to make humans monsters.

Some people also think that money equals success. This is so not true. To be successful in life doesn't mean having great chunk of money; rather, I believe achieving your goals is what makes you be one. However, If the goal is just to make money, then I'm sorry to say that you are really not living your life very well. Some might argue that they have to make money first to achieve their goals, Yes, I agree. But my point here is that 'making money' shouldn't be your main objective in this life.

With all that said, I think I made myself care enough.

LoL, okay sorry to be a bit serious about this subject.
Everyone smile please.
Life isn't worth it,
money isn't worth it,

and surely my post isn't worth your being sad/upset.




Ancient Poem said...

If money satisfied, then the richest people would be the most happy. Money is nice, but it’s not worth our lives,VERY TRUE

I once heard “He who dies with the most toys wins” and thought it is a very shallow purpose.

Enigma,worth reading post and I am still smiling :)

Unknown said...

I couldnt agree more with what you said above. Nice entry. :)

Najah said...

You are one sensitive human mashallah....

I'm always broke, always in need for money, and always thinking about the creative/most outrageous things i can do with it but thank god i did not ever had extra money, I really think i'm blessed to be living in a middle class kind of living where i appreciate the meaning of money, yet at the same it is never a sin to have any.

My parents indeed raised good content in our little family.

Enigma said...

@ ancinet, thanks for your visit. Keep on with that smile =)

@ Nabhan, glad you agree with me. Many people I know don't. But oh well :p

@ Muhammed, 'charity is always a worthy cause'... so true...thank you 4 noting that.

@ Najah. ty. It's always good to be in the middle, not that rich and not that poor. It plants this feeling where you start to realize when to save your money and when to spend it, me thinks. =)
I'm also sure your parents did a great job in raising your family, mostly, in bringing up such a kind hearted person as you.

Najah said...

update please!

Enigma said...

I just did. Thanks for being a regular visitor najah :)

Whatever said...

Hi =)
Thanks for commenting on my post, and I liked this post of yours. Although I was thinking all the way "but how am I going to go shopping without money?" :D I have to say, I'm so looking forward for getting paid next semester, I'll start my internship, and from now I'm planning for the "creative/most outrageous things":D I can do with it... I'm like najah in some way, always broke.. moreover, I'm in serious debt :D lol... and answering the first question on that list: I have zero riyals in my wallet :D... I love to have money, but I wouldn't kill for it, and I'm so generous, I love to give it away too!

Greetings =)