4:39 AM

One Day In The Hospital

Yesterday was such a long and painful day to all of us. My dad had to do a surgery on his elbow to fix a compacted nerve, as the doctor said, and decompresses it so the blood will run smoothly. I didn't want to get out of the hospital even though I really hated being there for some reason. But anyway, I stayed all day long with my family there. The surgery went fine, thanks to God first and for most, and for the kind doctor who kept assuring us that it will be alright and that it's a normal surgery… After the operation, dad was sleeping because of the drug they gave him before. He had difficulty breathing when he woke up... I felt so heavy inside. I felt like we'll loose him... but he managed to breathe normally again. *al7mdllah.

My father is a smoker too. That's why he had trouble breathing, according to the nurse. I just wish I could persuade him to stop but I really don't know how.

Besides, I was very ill too... It was so stressful. I would keep coughing and throwing up every once in a while for no reason. Maybe it's because I'm not used to seeing my dad like this. Or maybe because I'm not used to being in hospitals... I don't know. Mom told me to go home and get some rest because I really needed it too. So, I got back home at 2 am and slept for 5 hours, then woke up… Changed and got back to dad cause we had to get him out of there today.

He's finally home again… Safe and sound.

Can't imagine how my life would be without him…

I love you dad...


Najah said...

ooooooh salamat ur dad and salamaaat u also!!!
Sorry about that, and allah yi3afeeh u yiqawmoh bisalama inshalllah...

(Tell me about smoking! my dad is a smoker as well, we tried so many ways but as he says it is more then in his bloood)

May alllah protect them all inshalllah.. and stop worrrying pray for him and he will inshallah be as healthy as he was before it :)

NiGhTFaCe said...

Sorry to hear that. But, hope he is fine.

Samyah said...

That last bit was really sweet Enigma.. alhamdulilah your father is okay now, inshallah always.

Namika said...

salamat, hope your dad is feeling better now..

As for smoking try to talk to him about how bad is it and that it kills people slowly.. and that you care about him and wouldn't want to loose him.. I am sure he will listen and understand..

True Faith said...

El7emdelaah 3ala salamtah.

Your feelings are normal at that moment .. the fear of losing someone ill had always came to me when seeing my Father or Mother in such position.

Allah y`7aleelek your father :)

iamnasra said...

الحمد الله على سلامته ما يشوف شر ان شاء الله...

وانت ما تشوف شر ان شاء الله

أتمنا له الشفاء العاجل
يا رب العالمين

Arabian Princess said...

Alf Alf Salamah 3aleeh .. Inshallah bilsalamah always to all your family.

wallah your post is so touching ..

Unknown said...

7amdillah 3alas'salama , hope your dad and yourself get even better soon inshallah.

Enigma said...

I'm so grateful to all what you said guys.
Najah, nightface, hibba, samyah, namika, true faith, starry night, iamnasra, AP, and nabhan.... Thanks a lot for your sweet words and prayers. It's really all we needed. May God reward you for your pure sympathy and grant you great strength and health as well.

I apologize for not replying sooner... Sickness took me away a bit from the net. I also had some other stuff to worry about ... Ammm.. Anyhow, I'm back now… I missed ya a lot people ^^

saurav said...

Thank God !!! he is fine now....one cannot think of any need as strong as the need for a father's protection.

And you ! plz take good care of yourself...

Prométhiûs said...

nice blog here....
take care

Enigma said...

-avik, thanks for caring. It was really nice of you to say that. =)

-Prométhiûs, Allah yslmick. Glad you passed by and like my lil space :) I visited yours and pretty much liked it too, especially the game ;)

Enigma said...

it's kind of the same with my dad. He quits for a couple of months and then for some reason he smokes again. :/

The thing is, most of my family are smokers. So, whenever he sits with them, he gets this amm.. awkward feeling of wanting to smoke again I guess.. oh well, let's just hope our dads quit smoking once and for all..

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