This website is blocked in Qatar. It is so negative and down pulling.
Qatar is not like that.. Qataris are not like that. Beside, every country has its negative sides, no place is perfect. It's only stupid to criticize our country and not look back to your country at the first place.
It is known for a fact that there are so many rules that protect human rights in Qatar. I don't get why the website is even complaining.. If they felt their human rights are not being respected or neglected, there are millions of other ways to get that corrected. Thats why there are Courts in Qatar.
Instead of complaining how Qatar sucks, I suggest you go look at your own countries first. Look at how your country treat their expats and know who is doing better and where Qatar actually stands.
It's even funny when you are living in our country then you say we treat you as slave! WTF? Especially to these indians, and sri lankans.. No one asked you to come live here. It was your choice. If you didn't like living here just g back to your country and live there.. Oh wait.. nevermind.. you cant live in your country cause it really sucks that is why you came to live here. Because here you have better opportunity. So why the hell are you complaining? If you dont wanna work here just leave.
WE DON'T NEED YOU. If you ever thought that this was the case then ya we really don't.
On the contrary, it is you expats that ruin our country. Our country is opened for all kind of people, and all we asked in return is for you to respect our religion, rules and regulations. But instead, what did you guys do? I'll leave it to that.
I'm really not sure exactly why this film pretends to document real behavior, while in the same time, there is something that is almost always missing. Basically the problem is when the movie makers over do things when enhancing the drama of the movie; which eventually is eliminating the horror factor.
I just hate it so much that whenever something horrifying about to happen, you will start to see a jammed footage instead. And in the end, they tell you that its yours to believe or not. Well, I haven't seen anything really to judge so where is the argument? Really..
Pros: Nice story - Dramatic, emotional, with new creative story plot.
Cons: Poor acting, poor directing, bad movie if you going to categorize it under Horror films.
Rate : 6/10