I was asked by one of my precious bloggers, Blessed, to answer these questions:
- Number of books I own.
- Last book I read.
- Five books that mean a lot to me.
- And finally, the book I am reading since long but could not finish.
- But before I start answering the questions, I'd just like to point out that it's been like two or three months and I haven't really read novels/books in general (excluding my university textbooks.)
++ Number of books I own ++
I don't know. Honest. And I don't actually own the books. We have a small library or so in our house and my brothers and I can come and read or use them. So, accurately speaking, I don't "own" a lot – a rough calculation would be 30-40 only, coz those are the ones I bought.
++ Last book I read ++
Dave Pelzer - A Child Called 'It'. The book is so, so, so moving!! I really mean that. Very creative, very unique. The story was brilliantly developed; wide in details yet, not going over board in telling unnecessary things of the over all story. The emotions as well were amazingly carried out in words. I felt like living inside the characters. It was just astonishing to the extent that I had trouble setting the book down to do other things. As I remember, it was talking about this child who suffered a lot from his evil mother. She used to torture him and rooted all the fear you could imagine in his heart! I won't spoil the story of the book to those who haven't read it yet. But I for one really enjoyed it. The next book I'll read (inshallah) is "The Lost Boy," which is the second part of the trilogy of the book I mentioned.
++ Five books that mean a lot to me ++
Believe it or not, it's so tough for me to answer this. All the books I read so far had something meaningful to offer. So in essence, there are no five special books to me because I value all of them. Yet, on another note, the books that touched me a lot are those with an ending that would blow me off my feet -- if you know what I mean. :P I like the unexpected drama. For example, when I was 16 (or maybe younger,) I longed for a book called What the Birds See for Sonya Hartnett. The story ended and next thing I know was tears in my eyes! *lol. I remember feeling sorry for the characters! Sounds crazy, doesn't it? I read it at least 10 times, if not more. Another book I liked so much was The Ugly Princess and the Wise Fool for Margaret Gray. You just can't expect how much you'll giggle when you read it! The comments in the story are so stupid yet really humorous. So you see, each book has something special that would pull you to read again. :)
++ And finally, the book I am reading since long but could not finish ++
Lee A. Jacobus - A World of Ideas, sixth edition. The writings and letters included in this book are very articulate, inspiring, and mostly very wise; especially after knowing that they are written from the most legendary people in the world! However, it's a little dark and mysterious. I find it interesting to read, but I'm not sure if other people of my age would want to dig for the deep meanings of this book as I did. Yet, I think it's a must read, especially for those who like critical readings.
--I'm Tagging: Echo and Esoz. Hope they answer the same questions. :)