Hi anonymous folks.
Did you know that it is not helping at all to make an ad in my comments section? All what your ads are doing is creating rubbish and more unnecessary texts that no one ever reads.
Besides, I don't have alot of visitors so why don't you just back the F*** up and stop this bull. It just has no return to you whatsoever. If you think by doing this, your gaining anything, then seriously, you have no marketing sales skills at all.
Guess what, anonymous commenting is no longer available to you. Further, no comment will be shown anymore before I approve it.
Let's dance.
This website is blocked in Qatar. It is so negative and down pulling.
Qatar is not like that.. Qataris are not like that. Beside, every country has its negative sides, no place is perfect. It's only stupid to criticize our country and not look back to your country at the first place.
It is known for a fact that there are so many rules that protect human rights in Qatar. I don't get why the website is even complaining.. If they felt their human rights are not being respected or neglected, there are millions of other ways to get that corrected. Thats why there are Courts in Qatar.
Instead of complaining how Qatar sucks, I suggest you go look at your own countries first. Look at how your country treat their expats and know who is doing better and where Qatar actually stands.
It's even funny when you are living in our country then you say we treat you as slave! WTF? Especially to these indians, and sri lankans.. No one asked you to come live here. It was your choice. If you didn't like living here just g back to your country and live there.. Oh wait.. nevermind.. you cant live in your country cause it really sucks that is why you came to live here. Because here you have better opportunity. So why the hell are you complaining? If you dont wanna work here just leave.
WE DON'T NEED YOU. If you ever thought that this was the case then ya we really don't.
On the contrary, it is you expats that ruin our country. Our country is opened for all kind of people, and all we asked in return is for you to respect our religion, rules and regulations. But instead, what did you guys do? I'll leave it to that.
I'm really not sure exactly why this film pretends to document real behavior, while in the same time, there is something that is almost always missing. Basically the problem is when the movie makers over do things when enhancing the drama of the movie; which eventually is eliminating the horror factor.
I just hate it so much that whenever something horrifying about to happen, you will start to see a jammed footage instead. And in the end, they tell you that its yours to believe or not. Well, I haven't seen anything really to judge so where is the argument? Really..
Pros: Nice story - Dramatic, emotional, with new creative story plot.
Cons: Poor acting, poor directing, bad movie if you going to categorize it under Horror films.
Rate : 6/10
Being scared of this disease is the actual disease itself!
After seeing how the west became more aware of this virus and the potential money income from it behind its vaccine without caring of humans lives, now they are even spreading panic in our televisions and media so that these vaccines are taken easier and faster.
It's more like, they keep lying, and they spread there lies every where so in the end people will start to believe it.
This Flu vaccine is nothing but another "cover up" method to spread the panic and mess between the people. They are even forcing this vaccine; which actually contains harmful and poisonous ingredients that might cause the destruction of the Nerve System in a human body.
It was even discovered lately that the company producer of this vaccine are actually putting a living example of another virus into this vaccine; which would make the Immunity System in humans even more weaker. Surprisingly, this company is even supported by the international health organization!!
If you are really a responsible person and not just a machine that does what its been told, you would seriously think with an open eye before taking this vaccine. Search about this topic everywhere. Believe me, you will realize that this vaccine is nothing but a lie, criminal, and fake that shouldn't get into any human body.
Strangely, the announced vaccine is expected to actually increase the possibility of getting cancer, instead of curing. According to a german specialist, the vaccine will have some sort of cancer cells of certain animals as an ingredient.
The vaccine has not actually been fully tested yet and hasn't even been granted for sure as a safe and operational vaccine under the experemintal safety measures.
The german specialist also added that this is a big financial marketing in the medicine industry. The virus they talk about is no different than normal Flu Virus. On the contrary, if you look at the number of cases of A(H1 N1), you would see it's nothing compared to the actual normal Flu cases. Still, the cases with this so called virus only need to rest for afew days and they will continue thier lives normally without taking any vaccine.
The good news about this is that people are actually becoming more aware of these lies. According to a search issued in a midical british magazine in 25th august, it states that more than 50% of doctors are rejecting to take the vaccine because of its side effects and their doubts against its effectiveness. Fox NEWS channel research also showed that most Americans now realize that the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus itself.
This issue is really important and I hope it will reach everyone as soon as possible. If there would be something beneficial you would like to do to protect yourself and your family for the upcoming months, it would be not taking this vaccine.
Don't take it..
Don't take it..
Tell every single person you know not to take this vaccine. Look it up on the internet and know what this is really all about. You will see how many charges have been made against the governments and the organizations that promote it.
1. Check this
2. And this
Indeed, eventhough I haven't been posting, but I am still here. I'm checking my blog in weekly basis. Strange that I feel like writing now. I miss my old self. I miss it so much. I stopped lots of my hobbies.. and lost many interests..
I miss playing on piano... and compose a music...
I miss opening Cinema 4D and create some cool looking abstracts or designs..
I miss going out with my friends...
I miss going out with my family...
I miss the friends I met online...
I miss everything really...
Yes I have been very unjust to myself. The question is ... How long do I have?..............
How long do you have?
I bet you are also like me somehow.. having the need to do stuff, but delaying it because you have other stuff to do. Imagine if tommorow is your last day....
What you gonna do?
If Tommorow.... is the end... imagine.....
If you really think about that... Believe me..
You will get up now...
Just like I would...
You will try to seize every second...
And make your life more meaningful.
Most importantly...
Make things that will let the other people remember you with...
Good deeds...
Come on, you know that you still haven't done everything... Thats why I'm telling you now..
Do what you really want from life. Make yourself happy and make everyone happy. Make your God happy for the most part. And don't sleep today before you know that your parents are glad and smiling because you have appreciated them.
God, please help us help ourselves...
Please let us see the right path and guide us..
Please God...
Let my heart be happy, and so is everyones' heart..
To all the people I miss..........
Know this:
I talked about this earlier here.
It's really funny how each gender thinks and the truth remains that the mind can never fully meet with the heart. This is a finding that I can keep talking on forever because each gender is simply different and there is no chance that you can find a man & woman with the same mental and sentimental level. I know that this will not make sense to you. But then, once it does, then you will start to understand and it will in the end make sense!
As a general thought, men are much more "hard" than women, while women tend to be much more soft. Men are more self-dependant, while women are more social. Men rely on their rational thoughts(mind), while women rely more on sentiments(assuming it to be heart). These observations are generalizations, of course, but they are fairly obvious.
I accept the fact that I'm different on my level of thinking with my wife. I also tell her sometimes that these are the differences between you and me. However, a woman never wants to feel that she is different from her husband. Her husband has to be her soulmate and they should be the same in everything. Well, as you guessed. This is wrong. A Soulmate can also have differences.
The only question that run through my head now is...If God has created us different, then why bother with that? Why don't we look for the simalarities rather than concentrating on our differences? Men and women can be the same if they crave to be, but they should also give space for their differences to occur.
The keyword is personality.
Today I celebrate with my wife our first anniversary. :)
The journey is still promising.
I know some of you want me to update more often but I sincerely apologize for not being up to the commitment I promised when I started this blog. My life pathways have changed in so many ways. Being the hard worker that I am, waking up 7:00am and coming back 6 or sometimes it goes up to 8pm... giving my full passion and whatever left of me to my wife, I think you should choose to forgive my lacking the ability to come and update. However, my "Annual leave" is coming soon! I promise I'll try to catch up with you fellas.
I really have so much to share with you all, but I am not in a bombardment mode, if I shall say. I have just came from a consuming party and I must sleep. It is 3:34 am exactly now, work starts 7:30... the machine has to get some sleep or its power will turn off.
Take care all and see you soon,
Best wishes,